The start of the school is always exciting because student-led LGBTQ clubs either relaunch or launch for the first time. This is the perfect time to register your club and establish your #GSAgoals for the year! (Registering your GSA gives you access to GLSEN materials, ensures you're on our mailing lists, and more)
The GSAs featured below got together and outlined what they wanted to achieve this year to best serve their members and school communities. Read their plans below and tag @glsen in your own #GSAgoals post!
1. Nease High School GSA
2. Rainbow Alliance
3. Stillman Valley Pride
4. F.W. Buchholz High School GSA
The GLSEN Jumpstart Guide can help you get your club off its feet as you start the new year. And don't forget to register your club for the latest updates and resources!